Infectious Diseases 2025

Infectious Diseases 2025

Erysipelas: An emerging threat to laying hens

Av Dis | 2025 3 February, 2025

A new review article published in Avian Diseases examines Erysipelas, a bacterial disease caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, which has re-emerged as a significant concern in laying hens. Although Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae has been known to affect poultry for over a century, it was historically considered more relevant to turkeys, with relatively few cases reported in chickens. However, recent years have seen an increase in reported cases, particularly in layers.
The transition from conventional battery cages to litter-based systems, often with outdoor access, has been associated with a rise in outbreaks in Europe. This shift in housing practices correlates with the increasing incidence of Erysipelas.
Outbreaks of Erysipelas are marked by sudden spikes in mortality and can severely impact flock health and egg production, especially in layers past peak production.
The disease has emerged as a growing problem in various regions, including Europe, Australia, the South Pacific, and the United States, with outbreak patterns often influenced by housing systems.