Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

Sales of veterinary antibiotics for food-animals in UK - 2022

3 November, 2023

UK sales of veterinary antibiotics for food-producing animals in 2022, adjusted for the animal population, were the lowest recorded to date at 25.7 mg/kg. This represents a 9% (2.6mg/kg) decrease since 2021 and a 59% (36.6 mg/kg) decrease since 2014. Sales of Highest Priority-Critically Important Antibiotics (HP-C I A s) for food-producing animals remain very low at 0.12 mg/kg. This represents a reduction of 82% (0.5 mg/kg) since 2014.Overall, in 2022, HP-CIAs accounted for less than 0.5% of the total antibiotic sales for food producing animals. The total quantity of antibiotic sold for all animals (which includes both companion animals and food-producing animals) was 193 tonnes in 2022, the lowest recorded amount to date. This represents a 9% (19.4 tonne) decrease since 2021, and a 57% (253.6 tonne) decrease since 2014. Sales of HP-C I A s for all animals was 0.91 tonnes representing a small increase of 0.01 tonnes (10 kg) since 2021 but a reduction of 81% (3.9 tonnes) since 2014. For thesecond year in a row, no colistin was sold for use in animals.
▪ Turkeys – Antibiotic use decreased by 17% (7.2 mg/kg) between 2021 and 2022, from 42.6 to 35.4 mg/kg, which represents an 84% reduction since data was first published in 2014. The only HP-CIAs used in turkeys are fluoroquinolones, and their use reduced from 0.006 mg/kg in 2021 to 0.0002 mg/kg in 2022.
▪ Broilers – Antibiotic use increased by 3% (0.4 mg/kg) between 2021 and 2022 from 13.7 mg/kg to 14.1 mg/kg, which represents a 71% reduction since data was first published in 2014. There were no HP-CIAs used in meat broilers in 2022.
▪ Ducks – Antibiotic use decreased by 83% (1.4 mg/kg) between 2021 and 2022 from 1.7 mg/kg to 0.3 mg/kg, which represents a 98% reduction since data was first published in 2014. There were no HP-CIAs used in 2022.
▪ Laying Hens – Antibiotic use decreased by 29% (0.1% bird days) between 2021 to 2022, from 0.33% bird days to 0.23% bird days, which represents a 65% reduction since data was first published in 2016. There were no HP-CIAs used in 2022.