Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

H5N1 in the Galapagos islands

21 September, 2023

Regarding the presence of dead birds on various Galapagos islands, the Galapagos National Park Management's technical team (DPNG) and the Agency for Galapagos Biosecurity and Quarantine Control and Regulation (ABG) are collaborating on laboratory examinations and analyses to determine the cause of death in these animals.
Preliminary findings from the examination of five specimens indicate that three of them have tested positive for H5N1 avian influenza. However, the collected samples will be forwarded to the National Institute of Public Health Research (INSPI) in Guayaquil for official confirmation. The National Environmental Authority in the archipelago has initiated biosafety protocols to mitigate the risk of virus transmission. Among the initial measures taken is the closure of visitor sites where affected birds have been identified. Additionally, a communication has been issued to tour operators to reinforce disinfection procedures for footwear and clothing when traveling to and from different terrestrial tourist sites. Continuous disinfection of communal outdoor areas and auxiliary boats used for passenger disembarkation is also being emphasized.