Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

South Africa: Chicken and egg shortage due to avian flu

14 September, 2023

South Africa has been hit by a new strain of avian influenza, H7N6. The South African Poultry Association (Sapa) has confirmed that a shortage of chicken and eggs resulting from avian influenza could persist until the end of October. This comes as several retailers have been warning customers about market shortages.
To date, South Africa has lost more than 15 to 20 percent of the national chicken population, with four million chickens destroyed amidst the South African Avian Flu Epidemic. This translates to a shortage in egg and poultry meat supply. Major retailers, continue to report a shortage of eggs due to increasing avian flu outbreaks.
One potential solution being discussed is chicken vaccination, a measure not yet implemented in South Africa. The poultry industry is actively engaged in talks with the government about introducing vaccines to curb the spread of avian influenza.
While the egg supply has been severely affected, there is hope for recovery by October, at a time when food and consumer inflation rates in South Africa have remained relatively stable. However, the cost of essential protein sources like eggs and chicken is on the rise.