Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

Finnish fur farms confirm H5N1 avian influenza

15 July, 2023

The Finnish Food Authority (FFA) announced that H5N1 has been confirmed at five fur farms. These farms are situated in the west central region of Finland. At one of the newly affected farms, the virus was detected in both blue foxes and minks. This strain of H5N1, which has also caused significant bird deaths in the wild, was first reported in blue foxes at a fur farm in Kausti. The farm in question housed 1,500 raccoon dogs, 3,500 foxes, and unfortunately, three fatal infections were observed in the foxes. Nearby, black-headed gulls were spotted, and it is worth noting that blue foxes are a commonly farmed fur animal in Finland, kept in cages or netted environments and fed with fish and meat byproducts.
The recent occurrences of avian flu in Europe expose the ongoing prevalence of animal breeding practices for fur production in countries typically regarded as "advanced."