Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

WOAH: Future avian influenza control strategies

16 June, 2023

Recently, the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) released a comprehensive report that covers the ongoing conversation regarding advancements in avian influenza control tactics. The report emphasizes the inclusion of poultry vaccination as a valuable supplementary approach and sheds light on the hurdles associated with implementing immunization. These discussions took place within the framework of an animal health forum conducted during WOAH's annual general session towards the end of May.
Officials highlighted the vital importance of authorized vaccines that closely align with the prevailing strains, in addition to the implementation of robust surveillance methods, for the success of immunization campaigns. Consequently, they adopted a resolution (See attched) aimed at shaping future avian influenza control strategies.
We think that in countries where HPAI disease spreads and becomes endemic, it is crucial to adopt an integrated policy that encompasses vaccinations, stamping-out, and monitoring. This policy should be smart and dynamic, while also defining a clear vaccination exit-point. Such a comprehensive approach should guide policy decisions and strategies aimed at effectively combating the spread and persistence of avian influenza viruses.


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Click to download Resolution 28 (261.3 Kb)