Infectious Diseases 2023

Infectious Diseases 2023

Ireland: Culls of poultry flocks due to salmonella outbreak

1 February, 2023

More than 7,000 birds across eight poultry farms throughout Ireland must be slaughtered in order to prevent infected chicken products from entering the food chain. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has verified that this salmonella outbreak was related to the chicken products recalled from stores last week. Restrictions have been put into place within the local vicinity of the farms, primarily in the County Cavan area. Testing in commercial poultry flocks around Ireland has been increased since the recall to find any link between the food source and the various outbreaks.
The FSAI commented in a statement that there have been no reports of any human illnesses related to this outbreak yet. All affected flocks are required to be eliminated so they do not make it into the food chain.
The recall announced by Western Brand on January 24th was for expired batches of raw chicken products.