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What's New ? - 2023

Dutch plans to buy out livestock farmers to reduce nitrogen pollution

9 May, 2023

The EU has given the green light to a €1.5 billion initiative by the Dutch government to reduce nitrogen emissions by purchasing farms from willing farmers. The scheme is part of the Netherlands' plan to cut nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50% nationwide by 2030, with intensive farming being a major contributor to high levels of these harmful substances.
The buyout program will target farms located near nature reserves, with around 3,000 farms expected to be eligible for compensation. The Dutch agricultural industry, which had exports worth €122.3 billion in 2022, is the second-largest in the world after the US.
The voluntary scheme is a departure from earlier government proposals to reduce livestock numbers, which had met with opposition from farmers who feared compulsory buyouts.
The European Commission has confirmed that the buyout plan is consistent with state aid regulations and will promote sustainable and environmentally friendly production in the livestock sector.