

Animal Diseases Regulations (Chemical Preparations), 1982 These Regulations prescribe the need to register any chemical preparation for certification before it is sold.  Download (20.2 Kb)
Animal Diseases Regulations (Newcastle Disease), -1970 These Regulations establish the duty to see to vaccination of fowls and poultry against Newcastle Disease.  Download (17.8 Kb)
Business Licensing (Poultry Farm and House Licensing Conditions) Regulations, 1981 These Regulations make provisions for the establishment and operation of both existing and new poultry farms.  Download (32.0 Kb)
Animal Diseases Regulations (Regulation for Movement of Animals in Israel), 1982 These Regulations prescribe prohibition of removal of any animal from the area of a local authority, other than with a written permit from a Government veterinarian.  Download (20.1 Kb)
Animal Diseases Ordinance (New Version) 1985 This Law, makes provision with respect to animal diseases.  Download (54.3 Kb)
Cruelty to animals law (Animal protection), 1994 Animal protection  Download (21.6 Kb)