The USDA added house mice to their list of mammalian infections
APHIS has reported the detection of H5N1 in common house mice from Roosevelt County, New Mexico. House mice are known to contribute to the spread of avian influenza viruses, especially those associated with agricultural operations. These mammals may serve as a risk pathway for virus transmission within and between farms. According to Shriner et al. (2012), there is evidence that avian influenza viruses can be naturally transmitted to mice during outbreaks, and wild house mice can efficiently replicate these viruses without prior adaptation. The fact that wild mice can efficiently replicate avian influenza viruses without adaptation suggests the potential role of these animals in the dynamics of avian influenza virus outbreaks.
The discovery of the virus in mice is particularly alarming, as it significantly raises the risk of human transmission and further spread. USDA has released limited information on how the mice became infected.
Shriner SA, VanDalen KK, Mooers NL, Ellis JW, Sullivan HJ, Root JJ, Pelzel AM, Franklin AB. Low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses in wild house mice. PLoS One. 2012 Jun 15;7(6):e39206.