Knowledge is useless unless accessible

Knowledge is useless unless accessible

Predictable is Preventable

Predictable is Preventable

Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure

Desiderius Erasmus

The only source of knowledge is experience

The only source of knowledge is experience

Albert Einstein

There is no reason to believe in anything for which there is no evidence

There is no reason to believe in anything for which there is no evidence

- Richard Dawkins

Primum Non Nocere

Primum Non Nocere

The PoultryMed Website

This resource on poultry diseases is authored and updated by Dr. Nati Elkin, a poultry diseases specialist. It contains an atlas of poultry pathology which provides images and text that demonstrate gross pathologic findings associated with poultry diseases conditions, publications include full-text articles on poultry diseases (authored by international experts), a comprehensive archive of news updated daily, a calendar of international events, and much more.

- Knowledge is useless unless accessible




Test Your Knowledge

The PoultryMed Quiz: test your knowledge in Poultry Diseases. If you have a question you would like to add, please send it to our mail (use "contact us").

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Avian influenza

Information on avian influenza, countries affected, human cases, recommendations, descriptions and reports.

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This sector describes the taxonomy of viruses, bacteria and fungi involved in various diseases of poultry.

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Chicken Infectious Anaemia

Focus On

Navigating the Current Landscape: A Look at Key Issues

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